You should use the templatized versions when possible. These constants are also available as type-safe, already-rounded, precision-templatized values with static memory addresses as part of our scalar system (see NTraits). (These values were generated using the symbolic calculator Maple which is part of Matlab's Symbolic Toolbox.) These can be cast to lower precisions when needed, and can be used in compile-time constant expressions like 2*SimTK_PI or 1/SimTK_SQRT2 for which the compiler will properly calculate a long double result with no runtime cost. If n is not an increment of m, then the last value of the vector stops before n. The syms function creates a symbolic object that is automatically assigned to a MATLAB variable with the same name. These are used to solve various expressions with the help of functions available in Symbolic Math Toolbox. SimTK_E 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967628L syms Create fresh symbolic variables for interactive symbolic workflows, that is, for symbolic variable creation at the MATLAB command line or in MATLAB live.

The ratio pi of a circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry. with MATLABs symbolic toolbox you could enter the commands shown below. These are some common unitless numerical constants evaluated to 64 digits and written here in maximal (long double) precision. The symbolic toolkit contains a command int() for computing antiderivatives.